If I Don’t Write About You

It's days' end. At least that's what it should be because it's late and a settled man would call it a day by now. But some days feel like they just want to go on until something gets answered, settled. That's what this day is doing and I know what wants to be settled. I also know that it probably won't be and that I probably won't be able to write about it. The things that matter the most are the hardest things to write about.

This is a big problem for a writer because we convert thoughts and feelings into words and string words into sentences for the sole purpose of saying something meaningful or expressing something in a way that others can relate to—or to sort out something that is not understood well enough yet.

As I said, the things that matter the most are the hardest to write about. So if I don’t write about you, please don’t think it’s because I don’t care enough. It’s because I care so very much.

Copyright 2014 Robert D. McKinley